
An information channel is a stream of information presented to your application users in the form of so-called banners.

If you have one application, you will usually want one channel presenting news for this application. These will be given to users when an update is installed.


But you can also create an additional channel for the same application, which will not be associated with new versions but with the announcements of future changes or modifications to the price list.

In this case, you will have two independent channels for one application.


It may also happen that you have different language versions of your application, and you would like to prepare separate sets of information for some of them - in the language of their recipients. In this case, you will need as many channels as many languages you want to support.


Suppose you're a publisher of more than one application. In that case, you'll probably need to create separate channels because each of the applications will have updates with different numbering, containing different changes. Therefore the presented banners should display appropriate content for them.


So a channel is a consistent set of consecutive information displayed to the recipient of that channel.

However, if you have one application, you will usually need to create one channel. Plus, maybe some more for testing.