Source code examples
Below we show sample code of applications running view-agent for several systems and programming languages.
std::wstring channel_id = L""; // Your application ID (copy it from channel block)
std::wstring app_version = L""; // Your application's current release version
std::wstring mode = L"NORMAL"; // Leave it this way
const size_t size =1024;
wchar_t commandLine[size];
std::memset(commandLine, L'\0',  size * sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(commandLine, size, L"AppVersion.exe %s %s %s",,,;
PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation;
CreateProcess(NULL, commandLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &sartupInfo, &processInformation);
string channel_id= ""; // Your application ID (copy it from channel block)
string app_version= ""; // Your application's current release version
string mode= ""; // Leave it this way
ProcessStartInfo appVersionProcess = new ProcessStartInfo("AppVersion.exe")
ArgumentList = { channel_id, app_version, mode },
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal,
UseShellExecute = true
// window will be shown if the below conditions are met:
// - channel with id = channel_id exists,
// - banner with id = app_version exists in this channel,
// - this is not the first run of AppVersionInfo.exe,
// - previous run was with a diffrent app_version number.
// So basically, for the first time, you shouldn't expect anything to happen, and it's o.k.
// If you want to see something:
// - run your code with_appversion = "1"
// - prepare banner for release version = 2,
// - run your code with_appversion = "2".
var newProcess = Process.Start(appVersionProcess);
Have you written code for another system/language? Why don't you share it with us? Contact us to do it.
// window will be shown if the below conditions are met:
// - channel with id = channel_id exists,
// - banner with id = app_version exists in this channel,
// - this is not the first run of AppVersionInfo.exe,
// - previous run was with a diffrent app_version number.
// So basically, for the first time, you shouldn't expect anything to happen, and it's o.k.
// If you want to see something:
// - run your code with_appversion = "1",
// - prepare banner for release version = 2,
// - run your code with_appversion = "2".